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Logistics in new market terms

Company "Logsys" in cooperation with "CBA Business School", organized the first conference about logistics named "Logistics in new market terms", on 29. June, in Regent Esplanade hotel, for consumer electronics and home appliances.

Constant adaptations to market changes led to firm interaction between business strategy and supply strategy. With aim to familiarize Croatian and regional companies with new trends, most respectable experts talked about this subject.

Ian Brown is a worldwide known expert in the field of improvement of logistics services and distribution chains.

Last year Mr. Brown won the prize «Supply Chain Excellence» for his project of redesigning distribution chain for "CPG Logistics" company. Mr. Brown presented the rewarded project to Conference participants.

Foreign minister assistant in Croatia Mr. Petar

Turčinović presented the topic "Croatia as distribution center for Central and Eastern Europe".

G. Marc Luyckx, "CBA Business School" dean, one of the co-authors of European Union, long-standing advisor for the who European Commission presidents, presented the strategy of European Union’s distribution.

Improvement and directing of logistics management is closely related to technology and IT system development. G. Igor Šangulin from company "G2R-Gate to reform" specified that relation with the subject "Collaborative business processes as platform for distribution chain managing".

Expansion of European Union contributed to a significant development of Central and Eastern European countries. While consumer markets


are expanding and at the same time are getting more and more acquiring, production intensively moves to China and the Far East. And that was the goal of constituting company "Logsys"- "Logistics Systems Ltd." The company "Logsys", which specialized in the field of logistics and consulting services for manufacturers and importers of consumer electronics and home appliances, but also of all the other products, from China to Central and Eastern European countries via Port of Rijeka also presented itself. Adapting to new terms, company "Logsys"- "Logistics Systems Ltd" sets new standards, offering the concept of direct market supply from manufacturer to consumer with reduced expenses of supply by avoiding "many hands" in distribution chain.